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Green Box is Back!

From: Kevin P.
Sent on: Friday, June 19, 2009, 9:24 PM

I thought you might wan to know about this...

The Perfect Weekend To Do List

Saturday, June 20:  drop by city farm, 1204 Clybourn Ave., 10 am ��� 1 pm, grab a cup of joe, talk to some seasoned urban farmers, buy a City Farm Green Box.  Begin to script garden bragging rights.

Sunday, June 21:  need a few extra herbs,  some knock-out flowers? stop by grand street gardens, 2200 Grand Street.  while there, pick up a City Farm Green Box with that amazing city farm compost.  Go home and count all the worms busy at work.

What���s a City Farm Green Box?  ���
The Green Box is a portable vegetable garden made specifically for urban gardeners.  At just 2��� x 3���, it provides a productive way to grow fresh salad greens, spinach, chard, herbs, and other shallow rooted vegetables on a terrace, backyard, roof or other limited space.�� 

the Green Box is constructed of recycled and repurposed materials from the Chicago area.  And each comes with wonderful, fully sustainable city farm compost and lettuce seeds to get you started. (We include some seeds to start, but don���t feel limited to them.)

Cost?   $75 for the whole kit., $50 of which is a tax-deductible contribution to City Farm and The Resource Center.  For more information go to:  [address removed].

A Green Box is perfect for growing a wide variety of vegetables and herbs including:�� lettuces, spinach, chard, kale, mustard greens, cress, arugula, parsley, cilantro, basil, thyme, sorrel, mache, bok choy.�� Bush green beans grow well too.

**** That's not enough for you? ***

Check out the fundraiser for the Experimental Station, a friend of the Resource Center. It's a cool building and they have a number of interesting programs.
