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NAWBO Ventura County Meet Up - January 28, 2010

From: Neil P.
Sent on: Monday, December 14, 2009, 4:52 PM 877.NAWBOVC
Hear the unique success story of Fred Joyal, Founder
and CEO of 1-800-DENTIST? and author of Everything
is Marketing: The Ultimate Strategy for Dental Practice
Growth. After leaving the corporate world, he founded
1-800-DENTIST with its innovative marketing that has
ultimately changed how dentists view their patients, helped
them grow their practices as well as provide a valuable
service to customers. As the industry?s foremost expert on
dental consumer marketing, Fred has lectured at dental
tradeshows nationwide and is a regular contributor to
various print and online publications. In addition, he has
written over 200 television and radio commercials and
interacted with thousands of the most successful dentists
across the country. Under Fred?s leadership, 1 800 DENTIST
has matched millions of consumers with the right dentist,
giving him unique insight into the mindset of the modern
dental patient.
Opportunity Drawing: Bring a gift to the meeting
for the drawing and get a chance to speak about your
EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION thru Friday, January 22nd
AFTER January 22 and at the door: $45 for everyone.
495 North Ventu Park Road, Thousand Oaks, 91320
Toll Free:[masked] Phone:[masked]NAWBO Ventura County Meet UpThe National Association of Women Business Owners - VC