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New Meetup: Open Studio in Holliston

From: Karen
Sent on: Wednesday, February 11, 2009, 2:05 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for New England Artist Trading Cards Plus (ATCs+) Meetup Group!

What: Open Studio in Holliston

When: February 15,[masked]:00 PM

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)

Meetup Description: DAY/TIME: Sunday, February 15, noon to ??? (I'll be there until at least 7; others may want to stay later.) Come for an hour or two; come for the whole day.

AGENDA: No scheduled activities. Arrive and leave when you want. Work on your own projects at your own pace.

AMENITIES: Free parking. Table space and a chair. Access to some tools (paper cutter, heat gun, etc.). Access to a fridge, microwave, toaster oven, kitchen sink and restroom; access to Wi-Fi if you need to use your computer while you're there.

COST: $5, regardless of how long you stay.

WHO MAY ATTEND: Any member of the NE ATC+ or Altered Art/Assemblage Meetups.

WHAT TO BRING: Your own materials and projects to work on (just as you do for the regular Meetup; if you're a newbie, see "What to Bring to a Meetup" in the Files section.) A few basic supplies--scissors, glue, tape, etc. -- are available for loan.

HOW TO SIGN UP: You must RSVP "yes" using Meetup's RSVP function so we know who's coming and how many to expect. If your plans change, PLEASE switch your RSVP to ?no? ASAP. If you RSVP "maybe," please switch your RSVP to "yes" or "no" as soon as you possibly can. Thanks.

CANCELLATIONS: If you must cancel less than 24 hours in advance -- or after the Open Studio has started -- PLEASE call the Open Studio host (in this case, Martha). I'll e-mail my phone number to you after you RSVP, along with directions to the Studio if you need them.

If we need to cancel due to weather or for any other reason, we'll post a message here AND e-mail or call anyone who's RSVP'd as far in advance as possible. Doesn't look like that will be a problem this time, though.

Looking forward to seeing you!

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