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1st Meeting - 1st Book - "Family Unfriendly" by Tim Carney

Photo of Joe Carrigan
Hosted By
Joe C.
1st Meeting - 1st Book - "Family Unfriendly" by Tim Carney


From Audible: "The bestselling author of Alienated America traveled the country asking families and experts the same two questions: Why is parenting so hard now? And why are the results so bad?"

If Yuval Levin's "A Time to Build" is my inspiration for starting this Meetup group, this is the epitome of the kind of books this group should be reading. Why is our society becoming less hospitable to children and families at the same time it is becoming so much more hospitable to more politically prized groups?

We haven't had our first members sign up yet, so I'm flexible on where we might meet; and we might even meet via Zoom for the first few meetings until we can develop some momentum. So there will be more details to come once we've built up some steam.

Photo of Nebraska Conservative Parents Book Club group
Nebraska Conservative Parents Book Club
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