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hello from Mary Ellen and Tim

From: Tim and Mary Ellen J.
Sent on: Saturday, August 28, 2010, 9:04 PM
Dear Northeast Ohio Natural Family Planning Meetup members,

We are really interested in your ideas for this meetup group. Our purpose in creating the group was to find a way for like-minded families to connect. We are excited that you have joined.

Most of us are involved with our church, a homeschooling group or a school, community organizations and family; so we don?t expect this group to be the only item on your calendar, but we want to offer some opportunities. We want to hold meetups that you are interested in and at a time that is good for you.

Could you please help by responding to this email with some of your ideas?
(You can just use this form ? copy/paste or reply, whichever is easier with your email or just write us your thoughts.)

Put an x on the statements that express your thoughts.
___I would like to see more articles posted on the Meetup site.
___I would like to see more links on the Meetup site.
___I have other sites that I go to for info, I just want the meetup site to show get-togethers
___I like to know the Meetup site is there, but I doubt I will come to any get-togethers
___I like to see photos of the Meetups.
___I am concerned about privacy and the use of photos on the site.

I would like to see Meetups that are:
___ for the whole family
___ for my spouse and I
___ for Moms and kids

Meetups would be better for me:
____ Saturday afternoon
____ Sunday afternoon
____ Friday or Saturday evening
____ during the week daytime

Frequency of meetups:
____ once a month
____ every other month
____ 3-4 times a year
Locations for meetups:
___ only use free places ?like public parks
___ some costs are okay, like for bowling or skating
___ the distance is a big factor for me, I don?t want to go too far
What is too far? ___________
___ the distance doesn?t matter too much

If a meetup were scheduled for my spouse and I, I would be interested in:
____ something educational : attending a speaker or film
____ dinner
____ snacks and conversation
____ something active: athletic/dancing/outdoor sports
____ NFP-related discussion ? how to handle charting, abstinence, etc
____something spiritual: attending Mass, Adoration
____ other ____________________________________________
For Meetups for the whole family, I would be interested in:
____ sharing a meal
____ nature
____ organized activity
____ something spiritual/Mass/visit a shrine
____ other _______________________________________________

Please let us know any other thoughts you have about the group.

Thanks for helping us to make the NE Ohio NFP meetup group better!

Mary Ellen and Tim

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