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Tonight's WordPress Meetup Stow-Monroe Falls Library

From: Brian L.
Sent on: Thursday, January 22, 2015, 1:02 PM

Tonight we will be in the Downstairs Conference Room of the Stow Monroe Falls library.  Two things about that room. There is limited space at the table. So if you want a comfy seat, please remember they are first come first serve.  

We don't have a set topic for tonight. So please come with something to share and talk about.  I, Brian,  hope to be there tonight, but already stayed home sick this morning and I am currently feeling worse, not better.  So perhaps if I am not there, Jeff or Angie or Joe or Samie or maybe Rich can kick the meeting off.  

For those who are unaware, one of the original five first attendees of our Worpress Meetup ( ) has passed away since our last meeting.  In case I don't feel better and can't make it tonight. I do want to take a moment to honor Kim Parsell, also known as WPMom, and say she will be missed.  

I hope to see you all tonight. (I have indeed had my flu shot).  

Keep 'Pressing Forward,

(ooo I like that tag line! I might keep using that!)

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