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Re: [NEOWordPress] Tomorrow night's meetup

From: Brian L.
Sent on: Wednesday, June 24, 2015, 4:13 PM
Great! Any other takers?  I've gotten several I can't make its, one maybe and one yes.

I'd like to get at least 10 yeses if possible. 
Here is the location:

On 6/24/2015 4:08 PM, Jeff Chandler wrote:
I'm down for having a meetup at the Malted Meeple.

On 6/24/[masked]:02 PM, Brian Layman wrote:

Heya Folks -

As it turns out, the library is not available for us this month but we were thinking about doing just a social meetup this month.

The back room is available for 7pm at the Malted Meeple:

We'd need to put in $50 total for the room and all spend $5 on a milkshake, beer or popcorn or something like that to cover their expenses.  T
hen we can hang out and talk WP and play games as the night goes on. Does that sound reasonable to you all? 

If not we can call if off for this month, but since a large group always hangs out for an hour outside the closed library just talking, I figure a social night might be in order..

Please reply by email or posting on the message board in the next couple hours and I'll reserve the room.  

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