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Vintage Cellphone: Bridging the Past and Future with Elixir

Photo of Alex McLain
Hosted By
Alex M.


VintageCell is an innovative project by Bryan Green that transforms a 1930s era rotary phone into a functional modern cellphone using the Elixir programming language and the Nerves framework. By leveraging the robust concurrency and fault tolerance of Elixir, VintageCell integrates a Raspberry Pi Zero and a WaveShare SIM7600G-H 4G modem to recreate the tactile experience of a vintage phone with contemporary cellular capabilities. This project not only showcases the versatility of Elixir and Nerves in managing embedded systems but also provides a nostalgic, user-friendly interface that blends the charm of the past with the technology of today. Join us to explore how VintageCell opens up new possibilities for the fusion of retro hardware and modern software.

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The Nerves Project defines a new way to build embedded systems using Elixir.

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