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Welcome to the .NET Skåne pre midsummer🌞meetup

Photo of Tore Nestenius
Hosted By
Tore N. and 2 others


Welcome! Reserve the date for our .Net Skåne pre midsummer meetup. This time at the LivingIT offices at Gustav Adolfs square in Malmö!


  • Exploring the Power of Source Generators in C#
    This talk introduces Source Generators in C#, a compile-time feature that enhances developer productivity by generating code at compile time. We will explore practical examples to demonstrate how Source Generators can reduce boilerplate, ensure type safety, and improve performance in .NET applications.
  • .NET 9 - The past, the current and the future
    In this session we'll explore parts of the .NET eco-system with the .NET 9 road map (November Release) as a guide.
  • Railway oriented programming, why, what and how?
    Lets explore what railway oriented programming is and what's its benefits.
  • Open discussion

About the speakers:

  • Tore Nestenius
    Tore is an independent educator and consultant through his company TN-Datakonsult, where he specializes in training developers in .NET, Web Security, OpenID-Connect, architecture, and more. Tore regularly shares his knowledge about .NET on his blog, focusing on security and authentication.
  • Per Ökvist
    Per is an enthusiastic developer and coding architect. Tickled by the challenges of combining smaller details with the greater picture, he is at his essence when working on architecture and web systems.
  • Mats Alritzson
    Mats is a curious and passionate developer. He mainly programs in C#, but has also a background as a C and C++ developer.

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.NET Skåne
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Monday, June 17, 2024
3:30 PM
Gustav Adolfs torg 12
Gustav Adolfs torg 12 · Malmö
Google map of the user's next upcoming event's location
55 spots left