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What we’re about

I have created this group for people who might have Autism or who might find it difficult to make connections because of being Autistic, I think having Autism should be celebrated not labelled, when I was trying to think of a name for the group as I don't think Autism should be labelled. Autism comes with lot's of difficulties and routines and sometimes we need to find that place or group of people we can spend time with who won't judge us or label us.
Anyway getting back to the group, anyone is welcome to join, please respect other members as it might be their first time.
If you enjoy playing card games or roleplaying plays such as D&D there is no pressure to what games we play, you might like to share new games to the group or help others.
Anyone is welcome I will not tolerate bullying, or rude comments to other members or on the group chat.
Enjoy and be fair.