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What we’re about

Have you ever thought while you're doing computer work, will this task be replaced by a robot in the near future?
Wouldn't it be a good idea for me to learn how to program the robot that will do this?
If so, this group is for you!

We're passionate about ensuring and insuring ownership of work done by humans, with a distinct appreciation for inherently human roles like those of performing artists.

This group is dedicated to the study and practice of automating computer tasks using LLM-fueled frameworks such as Autogen, Crew AI and Chatdev.
If you're an engineer interested in automating data-wrangling and software debugging tasks, join us.
If you're a musician who finds yourself thinking, man, maybe I should learn some of this math and engineering stuff, somehow it seems kind of similar to music: It is, and this group is for you.

We offer a "splaining"-free zone with a dedication to including and encouraging individuals from any background, especially focused on welcoming people from non-STEM backgrounds.