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What we’re about

To my fellow black passionate film lovers I write today in hopes of starting a meetup that brings us together to form a community that will help harvest creative and worthwhile relationships. Having worked in the industry for sometime on the post production end, I have noticed a frustrating reality. This reality seems to stay the same no matter what state or cost I am working in. The majority of the film industry in controlled by white America. Let me be frank, having worked in post production for the better part of 12 plus years I have only worked with one black editor, no black post supervisors, no black graphics artist, a handful of black post producers, as well as small amount of black assistant editors. I myself continue to climb the ladder towards being an editor, post manager, or even post sup despite my many years of experience. Not to mention for every post production company I have worked for there is a commonality with all, they are all ran by white people. Now, I say all this, because I want to reach out and galvanize black independent creators. Let's come together, discuss film, make film, help each other out, but most importantly let's build and grow together!

Let me be clear, all races, creeds, and however you may identify yourself as are welcome, but the primary goal is to help facilitate independent black creators from music, art, and yes film.

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