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Info Session | Backpacking in Banff over Labor Day Weekend [Cost-Share Trip]

Photo of Andre
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Info Session | Backpacking in Banff over Labor Day Weekend [Cost-Share Trip]


I'm planning a backpacking trip to the Banff area over Labor day and the following week (Sat Aug 31st - Sun Sept 8th).

If you are interested, RSVP and join the info session. Contact me (Andre) if you have any questions.

Extensive backpacking experience is not required, but some prior backpacking experience is needed.

I am not a guide. This is not a guided hike.
Estimated Expenses:

  • Permits will be about $50/pp and shared car-camping site another ~$50/pp
  • Car rental, gas, bear spray, and park entrance fees (to be shared evenly) will likely run a few hundred per person
  • You are responsible for all your own food, gear, airfare to Calgary, hotels, etc


  • Saturday, Aug 31st: Fly to Calgary; Drive to campsite; Car Camping
  • Sun: Day hiking; Car Camping
  • Mon - Fri: Backpacking, Car Camping Friday night
  • Saturday, Sep 7th: Drive to Calgary, fly back

Backpacking Route:
Our primary route will be the Turbine Canyon Loop [AllTrails Link] [Gaia Link] with the option to extend the trip via the Northover Ridge Traverse to Aster Lake [Full loop Gaia GPS Link] for an additional night.

  • The main loop includes unmaintained trails, and while reviews are generally good, it does mean unabridged water crossing, blow downs, difficult navigation, scree, etc
  • The Northover traverse is optional and we will only attempt it in ideal weather. It involves scree, short scrambling, a knife-edge of ~50ft, and a herd path all the way
  • The trailhead is at 5,600'; Campsites around 7k' to 7.5k', right at tree line; Two passes at 8k, one knife edge traverse at 10k';


  • Mon: Backpacking, 9 mi; +2.5k / -1k
  • Tue: Backpacking, 7 mi; +2.4k / -2.5k
  • Wed: Backpacking, 3 mi; +0.5k / -0.5k; R & R in the afternoon or a short hike
  • Thu: Backpacking, Ridge Traverse of 7.8 mi; +2.6k / -2.3k (or
  • Fri: Backpacking, 6.3; +0.8k / -2.5k back out; Car camping

General Notes:

  • This is shoulder season, so expect 50s/60s in the day and 20s/30s at night; 25% of days have precipitation and there's a real chance of snow - Full rain gear with a hard shells is must. (No UL rain gear!)
Photo of NYC Hiking And Nature Meetup group
NYC Hiking And Nature Meetup
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