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New event: Weekend at The Mansion (incl. Whitewater Rafting)

From: Susanne
Sent on: Wednesday, July 30, 2008, 1:45 PM
Dear Hiking & Nature Meetup members,

when we were in Pennsylvania in June, we had an action-packed weekend and stayed in a cozy house all to ourselves and I think everyone who was there loved it.

While there, I checked out a big house, I call it The Mansion, and immediately reserved the entire house for us for Labor Day weekend because I knew you will love it! It's gorgeous!

We will have another weekend filled with sports, fun, and socializing, this time with whitewater rafting! Yay!

Please note that the cost for the weekend includes:
- the accommodation in The Mansion,
- the whitewater rafting,
- horseback riding or kayaking (your choice)
- breakfasts and lunches

For all of that, it's a total bargain.

Please note that the final RSVP deadline is August 20, but the sooner you RSVP, the better.
All payments are due no later than August 21.

Check it out here, especially the photos at the bottom:

Be sure to RSVP with Maybe, not Yes, even if you're sure you want to do it.

I'm so excited about this, I know it's going to be awesome!



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