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New Event: Summer Camp for Adults!!!

From: Susanne
Sent on: Friday, August 1, 2008, 5:02 PM
Dear Hiking & Nature Meetup member,

we are going to Club Getaway in the Berkshires of Connecticut! It's a summer camp for adults, even if just for the weekends. I was there 2 years ago and it was really fun. Lots of different sports, including our favorites: hiking and swimming. You can go along with the ones I pick, or you can put together your own selection.

My price is lower than the regular price and lower then the ones you might find elsewhere, so they don't want me to post it on the website.

The regular price is $269 plus tax and service charges =[masked] total regular price
You can get it from me for $276 if you pay cash, or $285 if you pay by PayPal.

This is without transportation. The Club Getaway bus is $45 roundtrip.

I will arrange a carpool for those who have hiked with me before and for those who own the cars, of course. That would be $30 per rider for the gasoline and tolls.

To hold your spot, you need to send a deposit of $50. The remainder is due by Aug 27, 7 pm. If you cancel before Aug 27, 7pm, you loose your $50 deposit. If you cancel after Aug 27, 7 pm, you get a refund minus $100 cancellation fee.

Info, photos, RSVP, and payment here:



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