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Come join in the Adirondack June 21st/22nd - Trap Dike and New Angel Slides

From: Andre
Sent on: Wednesday, May 21, 2014, 3:06 PM

Hi Hikers,

Come join for a great trip up Mt Colden via the New Trap Dike and Wright Peak via New Angel Slides, June 21st/22nd in the Adirondacks.

With great views and challenging terrain, these two slide were created by Hurricane Irene and are at the top of my to-do list. Both are advanced hikes, requiring bushwhacking and long scrambles.

If you just want the great views, both peaks have 360 views from the top and are moderate hikes via regular hiking trails. We have a couple of members taking the less hard way up, so you'll be in good company either way.




The Trap Dike Scramble/Climb:


The Slide up Colden:



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