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June's Zion, Bryce, Grand Canyon Trip - A few last minute spots open

From: Andre
Sent on: Thursday, May 7, 2015, 1:19 PM
Hi Hikers,

There are a few last minutes spots open for the June 6th - June 14th trip to Zion, Bryce, and Grand Canyon National Parks. This is a great chance to see some amazing parks plus a few gems outside them.

There are 3 spots for the full trip. That is one night of backpacking and the rest is car camping at primitive or park campgrounds.

There are two additional spots for just the Zion portions (June 10th - June 14th). This is all car camping at park campgrounds.

About this trip:

  • I made reservations for campsites. Attendees are responsible for pretty much everything else, including transportation, meals, day-to-day plans, who to do it with, and getting permits for it. I'll facilitate some planning, but this still requires a higher level of investment and initiative than most trips and is not for everyone.
  • Everyone must be a solid intermediate hiker able to plan and navigate hikes independently. Some areas only have unmarked herd paths and some have no trails at all so strong navigation is a must.
  • I'll give priority to people I've hiked or traveled with and who I know will be a good fit for this trip.

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