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Catskills 3 Days Camping

From: Isaac
Sent on: Thursday, July 7, 2016, 9:04 PM

Hi Everyone

I have update some of the prices time and location.

Specific Details:
Arrive Friday, 8/5 anytime after 1pm
Depart Sunday 8/7 before sunset Location:
Little Lake Campground, Jefferson, NY
Less than 3 hour drive from NYC


· COST: $40 per person for the WHOLE WEEKEND FOR TENTS AND $50 per person for the WHOLE WEEKEND IN A CABIN SLEEP 1 To 4  people you can share between 4 friends its very comfortable and enough space to sleep 4  
· PAYMENT: Due in full BEFORE JULY 15th via PayPal
· PayPal Payment: [address removed]
· Each person interested, will be put on the waiting list TILL PAYMENT IS RECEIVD
· Once payment is received you place is secured and confirmed

**Spaces will fill up FAST, be sure to secure your place by completing payment ASAP**

Thank you.

Isaac Dan