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Dunderberg hike on Sunday

From: Susanne
Sent on: Tuesday, September 25, 2007, 2:44 PM
Dear Hiking & Nature Meetup member,

to clear up a little misunderstanding: The Dunderberg hike on Sunday has not been opened up for new Yes RSVP's. I am currently looking for people willing to drive so that we are going to be able to accept more participants. When this happens, I will take people from the waiting list and change their NO to a MAYBE. They should then go and change it to YES.

So, if you want to get on this hike, you need to RSVP with NO and write "waiting list" in the RSVP box and hope that I can squeeze you in.

If you have a car and want to come on Sunday, please let me know.

Sorry about the confusion and the extra email.

For more details, see the full listing:

Susanne ([address removed])

Andre wrote:

Since there are almost 40 members who want to go, Susanne convinced me to open this meetup for a lot more people. We will be splitting the group in to part for the hike, so see the post for details.

I've updated this event. For more details, see the full listing:

When: Sunday, September 30, 2007 at 8:15 AM

Event fee: USD5.00 per person

This event is closed to new RSVPs.

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