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November 16 MongoDB User Group: Scalable event analytics with Ruby on Rails & MongoDB

From: Meghan
Sent on: Thursday, October 28, 2010, 2:59 PM
Hi everyone,

Today I confirmed that Jared Rosoff of Yottaa will be presenting on Scalable event analytics with Ruby on Rails & MongoDB. The details are below, and I'm looking forward to seeing you on November 16!


Scalable event analytics with Ruby on Rails & MongoDB
Tuesday November 16th @ Gilt Groupe
Please RSVP with your full name so that I can add you to the list for security!

Are you developing a big data application and wish that it was as easy as building a Ruby on Rails application? Are you frustrated with MySQL and the bottlenecks it imposes on your system? Are you fighting with Hadoop and how to make it work seamlessly with your Rails apps? At Yottaa, we faced these challenges: we need to process lots and lots of data very quickly and we want to be able to build these apps as quickly and efficiently as any other Rails applications. In this talk I'll show you how you can use Ruby on Rails and MongoDB to build a scalable data processing platform with just a fraction of the resources of competing solutions.

Speaker Bio - Jared Rosoff
Jared runs Product Management for Yottaa where he is responsible for Yottaa's web applications and data analytics platforms. Jared has been a software engineer and architect for over 15 years, working primarily with C/C++ but more recently, Ruby on Rails. Previously, he was the founder and CTO of TAZZ Networks, a pioneer in the broadband policy and QoS control market. While at TAZZ, Jared developed a massively parallel distributed computing platform that let internet service providers manage their huge network infrastructure. Before TAZZ, Jared built collaborative virtual reality applications at the Fraunhofer Center for Research in Computer Graphics.

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