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NCL PBI Christmas Special: Community Month!

Photo of Matt
Hosted By
Matt and 3 others
NCL PBI Christmas Special: Community Month!


17:45 - Introductions
18:00 - Lightning sessions start
19:15 - Christmas Refreshments & Networking
20:00 - Finish
*Post-event drinks at the Town Wall*

Ho Ho Ho! It's time for the Newcastle Power BI User Group Christmas Special, and this time - it's your turn to shine!

Get your Christmas jumpers on as we celebrate the end of the year by welcoming new speaker attendees to the stage to talk anything of their choosing. This will be a fun, informal event where the focus is to network, relax, and give the opportunity to new speakers.

If you would like to speak, please apply here:

After the event we will be going to the Town Wall (a short walk from the venue) for some drinks - all welcome!


This event is kindly sponsored by Waterston's consultancy. You can check them out via the links below:

Photo of Newcastle Power BI User Group group
Newcastle Power BI User Group
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The Catalyst
Science Square · Newcastle upon Tyne