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Hike and Bird - the Presidentials

Photo of Steve Hale
Hosted By
Steve H.
Hike and Bird - the Presidentials


Want to learn your birds and plants of the White Mountains? Then this is for you. For the intermediate birder, or for the avid hiker wanting to learn the songs and calls of high-elevation forest birds. This will be a tough experience for the newbie or beginner. Also covered - Tree and wildflower identification.

This is an intermediate difficulty hike to look for boreal birds in NH's White Mountains. The birding location (TBD) will contain primarily spruce-fir habitat between 3000'-4000' elevation. The trip will be best for anyone that has hiked moderate to difficult ascents in the Whites. All levels of birders are welcome on this tour, but beginners may have difficulty seeing (but not hearing) birds. Your guide will cover and teach a lot of birdsongs and we will spend considerable time for everyone to get views of Bicknell's Thrush, an iconic species and endemic breeder in New England's high peaks. Plan for this trip to start at 8am and last about 5 hours total. The hike will be about 2-3 miles total and will include some intermediate steepness in slope. We hike slowly in search of birds along the way. Birds we will likely find are Bicknell's Thrush, Swainson's Thrush, Magnolia Warbler, Yellow-rumped Warbler, Blackpoll Warbler, Blue-headed Vireo, Winter Wren, Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, and possibly everyone's favorite - the Canada Jay.

You will want to bring a backpack, binoculars, water, snacks, hat, sunscreen, camera, bug repellent (possibly a head net too), and clothing layers. I have binoculars I can loan (no charge). The cost for this birding tour/class is $75 per person. A carpool may be arranged for those interested.

COVID-19 safety measures

Event will be outdoor
The event host is instituting the above safety measures for this event. Meetup is not responsible for ensuring, and will not independently verify, that these precautions are followed.
Photo of New England Birdwatchers group
New England Birdwatchers
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10 spots left