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Thanks for coming to the Tropical Party

From: DeAnna E.
Sent on: Sunday, January 20, 2008, 12:27 PM
Jess & Melissa (and friends), Tammy, Valerie & Kurt (and his sister), Adrienne (and friends), Tricia & Tom, Marty, Nancy & Herc, Kathleen (and friend), Ali, Jen (and friend), Brooke & Tim, plus a bunch of our other friends, braved the freezing temperatures to attend the Tropical Party last night.

Thank you so much for coming! Max and I had a great time (and hope you did too!). We really appreciate all the delicious food you brought. It was great to meet the new members of the group.

A special thanks to Tim & Brooke and Tricia & Tom for staying and helping clean. Actually Tricia cleaned and we all watched--Max tried to help, but only got in Tricia's way :)

Thanks again to everyone. Our next big house party will be a bbq in the summer. Until then, please vote in the polls if you haven't already and rsvp for any upcoming events.


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