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New Meeting: Let's Go For A Walk!

From: DeAnna E.
Sent on: Sunday, March 9, 2008, 2:01 PM
Announcing a new meeting for The Toledo New Friends/New In Town Meetup Group!

What: Let's Go For A Walk!

When: Saturday, March 15, 10:00 AM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meeting Description: Max and I are training for our 40 mile breast cancer walk, so get your walking shoes on and meet us at the Maumee Bridge for a 5 mile walk (or more depending on how the group feels) through Side Cut Metropark. Feel free to jog, skip, twirl or crawl down the trails if you don't like walking.

When we're done working up an appetite we will go to the Village Idiot, where we recently discovered their delicious pizza!

The Maumee Bridge (not sure if that's the name, but that's what we call it) is on Conant Street, linking Perrysburg to Maumee.

If you're coming from Perrysburg, go down Dixie Highway (Highway 25) till it dead ends, turn left and then you will be driving over the bridge. Park on any side street and meet us on the Maumee side of the bridge.

If you're coming from a different direction and can't figure it out, email me and I'll try to help!

Heavy rain cancels....light rain--we'll see! I'll email my phone number a few days before so people can call if they want to know for sure.

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