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New Meetup: Saturday Morning Walk: Swan Creek (Airport Highway Entrance)

From: Ken M.
Sent on: Saturday, February 27, 2010, 2:14 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Toledo New Friends/New In Town Meetup Group!

What: Saturday Morning Walk: Swan Creek (Airport Highway Entrance)

When: Saturday, March 13,[masked]:00 AM

Swan Creek Preserve (Airport Highway Entrance)
4659 Airport Hwy
Toledo, OH 43615

We meet up at the Gill Shelter and walk the blue and orange trails (1.5 and 1.3 miles)

depart at 11:15 am

Swan Creek Preserve

4659 Airport Highway. (between Eastgate and Byrne roads), Toledo

Open 7 a.m. until dark every day.

The South Toledo park named for the creek is an oasis in an urban area, providing crucial feeding and resting ground for migratory birds and a nesting area for resident species. The forested banks of Swan Creek offer a sheltered corridor of wild vegetation in the midst of the city. Animals such as deer, fox and raccoon use the corridor to move between feeding, resting and mating areas.

Special Attractions
Scenic overlooks along the trails
Swinging bridge

Other Features
Indoor and Picnic Shelter Rentals
Window on Wildlife
Park: Swan Creek/Airport Hwy entrance (blue)
Length: 1.5 mile loop (0.4 miles to paved overlook off the trail)
Surface: dirt and stone
Traffic: light

The trail follows an upland edge of the creek valley to a quiet lowland meadow. One of the oxbow lakes, a remnant of the creek's former channel, is visible from the trail. Encircled by woods, the trail is an excellent hunting ground for foxes from the hillside and owls from the trees.
Park: Swan Creek/Airport Hwy entrance
Length: 1.3 mile loop
Surface: dirt
Traffic: light

Butterfly enthusiasts will enjoy seeing a smorgasbord of species on this trail through a meadow, especially during late summer and early autumn. Black swallowtail, monarch, viceroy and sulfer butterflies are all prevalent here.

A variety of pasture rose, milkweed, ironweed, tall goldenrod and asters are present. Look for signs of rabbit, fox, deer, field mice and an array of birds who make their home in the meadow.

Learn more here:

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