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SUnday 2-4 DC GreenTHINK - Making a successful Transition to a greener world

From: Philo C.
Sent on: Saturday, September 25, 2010, 3:45 AM
DC GreenTHINK - Making a successful Transition to a greener world

Time: September 26, 2010 from 2pm to 4pm
Center for Green Urbanism "The Center for Green Urbanism is where Urban meets Nature."
3938 Benning Road NE
Washington, DC 20020
The Center is two blocks from the Minnesota Avenue Metro stop on the Orange Line and directly across from the new Benning Road Library.
Light refreshments will be served.
Organized By: Irv Sheffey

DC GreenTHINK Event Description

Imagine that we are in the year 2050, imagine that we, and despite our efforts we are confronted by the triple threats of climate change, with increased rise in temperatures, erratic weather and disappearing shore lines; peak oil, where our reserves are so low and the cost of further extraction make it no longer profitable for the oil companies to market it; and economic instability were situations are even more unstable than they are today with greater numbers of unemployment, home foreclosures and higher poverty rates.

Take a moment?and imagine that! A bit dour picture of the future eh?

Now imagine that we can take action today to address these limate change, peak oil and economic instability, creating more resourceful and resilient communities too meet them.

Our next GreenTHINK gathering will focus on one way we can begin NOW to address these issues through taking local action

We will have a presentation by Larry Chang, Convener of Ecolocity DC ( on the Transition Initiative, a model for community sustainability. Larry is a community activist who has dedicated himself to spreading the word about the Transition Initiative model and how we in the DC metropolitan area can take steps today that can help in offsetting the impact of these issues, creating viable, resilient, local communities. Come out to this gathering and visit his website to learn what is currently being done and how you can get involved.

The Transition Initiative provides a way that you can take action through such things as urban agriculture, farmers markets, energy conservation, alternative economies, re-skilling, green entrepreneurship, promoting alternative transportation and similar local efforts.

So please come out on Sunday, September 26th, from 2:00 to 4:00 pm to the Center for Green Urbanism* at 3938 Benning Road, NE Washington, DC. The Center is two blocks from the Minnesota Avenue Metro stop on the Orange Line and directly across from the new Benning Road Library.

Light refreshments will be served.

Grand opening of the Center for Green Urbanism
October 15, 2010 from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Come by and support The Center for Green Urbanism.
3938 Benning Road NE
The Center for Green Urbanism is located in Washington, DC?s downtown Ward 7 at 3938 Benning Road NE on the edge of Fort Mahan Park, a national park site and gateway to the Fort Circle Park Trail
Hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and on the weekends for scheduled activities only
3,200-square foot facility established in 2010

The Center for Green Urbanism is where Urban meets Nature.

The mission of the Center for Green Urbanism is to create a business friendly environment that provides startups with affordable office space and business services in a sustainable and
energy-efficient green demonstration facility. We are located in downtown Ward 7, Washington, DC.

Environmental Model
Powered with energy-efficient compact fluorescent lighting and appliances and solar shade window treatments
Purified drinking water system and other water-saving devices
Eco-friendly interior design ( windows and wall coverings) by Design Scheme Interiors
Committed to recycling

Business Incubator
Offering short and long-term office space for five to nine small to mid-size organizations and start-ups
Spacious conference room and event space, with a 120 person capacity
Wireless Internet
Network fax and copy machines
Current tenant(s): Groundwork Anacostia River, DC Inc.

Art Fusion
Home of the Tubman-Mahan Art Gallery, named after Harriett Tubman and Dennis Mahan
Gallery space managed by Sharon Burton, founder and president of Authentic Contemporary Art
Year-round art exhibits
?ReCREATE,? opening exhibit themed around recyclable materials October 11 ? November 13

General Information
3,200-square foot facility established in 2010
Located in Washington, DC?s downtown Ward 7 at 3938 Benning Road NE on the edge of Fort Mahan Park, a national park site and gateway to the Fort Circle Park Trail
Hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and on the weekends for scheduled activities only
Grand opening, October 15, 2010 from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Also of interest:
Montgomery County saving money and nature by cutting paper use.

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