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Volunteer to help prepare for 10/10/10 with and CCAN

From: Philo C.
Sent on: Thursday, September 30, 2010, 3:19 AM
What's the most important number in the world, the most important day of this year, and the best place to be on that day?

It's 350 on 10/10/10 [October 10, 2010] in Washington, DC! [Named for 350 parts per million CO2 in the atmosphere needed for a stable climate - the Earth is above 350 now!]

The DC 10/10/10 coalition needs your help to make sure the day goes off without a hitch. There are plenty of easy ways to contribute to this historic action, including distributing fliers and posters, making turnout calls, collecting 10/10/10 "pledges," creating banners, and helping on the day of the main event. Sign up to volunteer!

Why? Because even though Congress is dragging its feet on solutions to the climate crisis, we refuse to give up. On 10/10/10, the world will come together for the Global Work Party - a day to celebrate clean energy solutions that get us back to a safe level of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere - 350 parts per million (ppm). The world needs Washington to lead on climate solutions and there's no more important place to be on 10/10/10 than here in DC.

Will you join us at the White House on 10/10/10 to tell our leaders to Get to Work on real climate change solutions?

To celebrate the 10/10/10 Global Work Party, 30 local organizations will hold more than a dozen public climate solution events around the city, including a "White House Work Party" featuring the man who brought us the number 350 - climate science legend Dr. James Hansen. Alongside other star speakers including Joe Romm, Lester Brown, Reverend Lennox Yearwood, Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins, and DC Councilmember Mary Cheh, Dr. Hansen will call on the President to get to work on leading a national and global policy push toward 350. We'll also call on President Obama to lead by example by putting solar on the White House roof, and we'll even bring along brand new solar panels to help him out!

Other events around the city will amplify the "get to work" on climate solutions message including a bike ride on the city's new Capital Bikeshare bikes, a local food block party, a solar installation, free home energy assessments, and a free community potluck. We may even do a giant aerial photograph of the number 350 on the ellipse to be taken from the Washington Monument! And the list goes on!

Learn more and RSVP to attend our 10/10/10 events around D.C.

If there's one thing that's every bit as important 350 and 10/10/10, it's your involvement in this day of action! The power of 10/10/10 will come from people the world over coming together in their communities to implement climate solutions and to tell our leaders "we're getting to work, how about you?"

Join us in DC on 10/10/10 to be part of the solution!

In solidarity,
Keith Harrington

The DC 10/10 coalition needs your help to make sure the day goes off without a hitch. There are plenty of easy ways to contribute to this historic action, including distributing fliers and posters, making turnout calls, collecting 10/10 "pledges," creating banners, and helping on the day of the main event. Sign up to volunteer!

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