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Volunteer Oct 21-24 with DC Green Festival

From: Philo C.
Sent on: Thursday, September 30, 2010, 3:31 AM

Welcome to Green Festival Volunteer Registration!

The DC Green Festival? will be Saturday and Sunday, October 23-24, 2010 at The Washington, DC Convention Center! Volunteers are needed from Thursday October 21 thru Sunday Ocober 24. We are thrilled to have the opportunity to work with you at the event and want to thank you in advance for volunteering with Green Festivals?!
Volunteers are a critical part of the Green Festival. The event would not be possible without you. Volunteers must commit to at least one 4.5-5 hour shift during the festival. To learn about the benefits for volunteering, please keep reading! Volunteer registration is expected to open on July 15, 2010. If you are a former volunteer, you will be notified via email automatically. If you have not volunteered before or if you are not on our email list, we encourage you to join so you can stay updated:

What are the benefits of volunteering?

Free access into the festival on all weekend
An exclusive organic cotton t-shirt
Free/optional memberships to Global Exchange and Green America (the co-founders of Green Festivals?)-new members only.
10% discount at the Green Festival Store and Global Exchange Store.
An amazing networking opportunity and a fun, rewarding experience!
A few important things to know about volunteering:

Volunteers between 14-16 must volunteer with a parent, guardian or adult over the age of 18.
Volunteers who are hearing impaired, deaf, or handicapped are encouraged to volunteer. If you have questions or concerns about what volunteer positions will fit your needs best, please e-mail [address removed].

Thank you for being a part of our amazing team of Green Festival volunteers!

Join us on Facebook! We now have a DC Green Festivals volunteer page on Facebook. We invite you and your friends to become a part of our volunteer community!

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