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Weekly Newsletter | Techmeetups New York Silicon Alley |24h FEBRUARY 2017

From: Silvija
Sent on: Friday, February 24, 2017, 12:38 PM

Happy weekend everyone!

We have one last FREE stand left for the Tech Startup Job Fair New York on 2nd of March
Are you a Startup and looking to build a team? 
Let us help you make that happen this Thursday. APPLY HERE:

Free job seeker tickets still available: HERE

Is anyone from this group interested in VOLUNTEERING at the event? 
You can help with the simplest tasks like setting up the space, greeting people at the door and social media.


STARTUPS YOU'D MEET AT Tech Startup Job Fair New York


​Andium is a revolutionary software platform that brings the intelligence of modern computing
to devices as small as your fingernail, providing a level of technological sophistication previously unavailable in such cost-effective and power-efficient hardware.



​We do the heavy lifting.
Get a daily batch of curated jobs at companies where you’ll be sure to make an impact. We’ll do the hard work of searching for you.



Overpass is an all-in-one call center platform. We are currently beta testing, hiring, and innovating.








WeWork Times Square- Venue

Steps from the Theater District, this New York office space is designed as an ode to the neighborhood's colorful history—eye-catching art, slick wallpaper, and colorful neon signs add a whimsical touch. Occupying 13 full floors, the coworking space includes a private lobby and a spacious common area on the 17th floor where you can host an event. There’s also a wraparound roof terrace with an amazing view of Times Square.



We help you plan your event.We know how hard it is to find the best venue, catering, entertainment among everything else required for a great event. We make that easy. Please leave us your contact and info, and your perfect event will be ready within minutes.



Please checkout jobs at



If you are interested in becoming New York TechMeetups Meetup Group partner, and explore the services and benefits we offer, feel free to get in touch with us.


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