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What we’re about

This happy hour and brunch meetup group is for women only. We will have 1 event during the week and 1 on the weekend limited to 4 ladies each time and group is limited to 30 members so everyone should cycle around to see the same faces every 3rd week creating the opportunity for solid foundations for friendship, : ). There will be a fee ($5) for RSVP-ing and a fee ($10 quarterly) for a spot in the group to keep spots clear for ladies who want to get out and make those face-to-face connections. RSVP fees are used to cover an appetizer for the group at events and group fees are for meetup site fees.

We are based in Edmonds, so the work-week event will be closer to home base but the weekend event is able to be in other areas around Settle. Bring ideas!


A. Once accepted, potential Nibblers have about 2 months to determine if our group is right for them. If we don’t do the kinds of things you might enjoy, we are open to all ideas. If your schedule is a bit too much and find that regular attendance to events doesn’t occur, we request that you remove yourself so that others may have the opportunity for a go! Our group limit is 30 Nibblers. :) Please feel free to rejoin as your time allows.

B. Two No Shows without updating your RSVP or a message, you will be removed from the group. Please be respectful of everyone’s time and effort.