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New Meetup: NIGHTOUT @ Tammy's Place GRILLIN' n CARDS

From: Tammy S.
Sent on: Tuesday, July 7, 2009, 4:56 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Twin Cities Night Life Meetup Group!

What: NIGHTOUT @ Tammy's Place GRILLIN' n CARDS

When: July 26,[masked]:00 PM

Tammy's Place
832 22nd Ave NE
Minneapolis, MN 55418

GRILLIN' n GAMING @ Tammy's Place!

Ok, because of the gorgeous weather we will be grilling and playing games, cards, bonfire decide.

There was a huge interest on continuing these on through the summer so here is goes.

There seems to be enough interest to get the 2 rooms with 2 large / 2 card tables going with cards as well as games.

We especially love the fellowhsip!

We have played Double Hearts, Spades, 500, Smear, Uno, Texas Holdem and Euchre/ Canasta and them some.

We have learn a lot of games so far. We strive to always have room but we are running out of tables and chairs which is exciting. We have potluck and socializing and getting to know our fellow members. Table talk is HIGHLY recommended.... heck, this is a social event isn't it?? So with that being said, let's get together and play some cards!

I do have some games so we can set up a table with games as well as cards and past rules of card games
And bring your games too.

Let's meet at 6:00 for the dinner hour and then we can start playing at 7:00.

This is BYOB/Potluck, so please bring something to share.

Please mention in your RSVP what you'll be bringing. Here are some potluck ideas:

  • Main dish (2 is nice with the large group we usually have)
  • Bread side
  • Veggies/dip
  • Fruit/dip
  • Appetizers
  • Pop (regular/diet), wine, beer, water, ice!
  • Cheese/meat tray and crackers
  • Chips/dip
  • Cookies/bars/desserts
  • Paper products of all kinds - Plates, cups, serving ware, napkins, TP!)

This meetup has a limited number of spots and it's very important that if you RSVP for this event that you show up. If you can't make it or are not quite sure, then leave the space for someone who can. !!!If you have a card table mention it in your RSVP - thanks!!!

PLEASE NOTE: Doors open at 6pm and ending time will be 10:00pm
That still gives up 2 1/2 hours for game/card time

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