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New Meetup: Happy Hour and Salsa Dancing

From: Milind B.
Sent on: Thursday, August 6, 2009, 9:36 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Twin Cities Night Life Meetup Group!

What: Happy Hour and Salsa Dancing

When: August 19,[masked]:00 PM

Picosa (St Anthony Main)
65 Main St SE
Minneapolis, MN 55414

(I will be there shortly after 6:00. Please let us know if any of you can get there around 5:00 or 5:30 and hold a few tables for our group.)

** No cover!!!
** Happy hour 4pm-7pm ($1 Tacos and 2 for 1 on Bottled Beer, House Wine, Rail Cocktails)
** Daily Drink Special all day & all night of $5 Specialty Drinks (Not sure what is included in Specialty Drinks)
** Recorded Latin music from about 6:30/7:00 to midnight.
** Brief review of basic dance steps in a few Latin dances about 6:00/6:30.

I won't be there that late, but you can dance past midnight. For most part, the dance floor will be crowded. So, be prepared to use the skills you learned on Monday nights in July.

Usually, many advanced dancers are there. They will put on a show for you, when you are taking a break from dancing.

Learn more here:

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