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New Meetup: Open Hour for Pole Dance Fitness Sat, Feb 27th in NE Mpls

From: Tammy S.
Sent on: Monday, February 22, 2010, 3:28 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Twin Cities Night Life Meetup Group!

What: Open Hour for Pole Dance Fitness Sat, Feb 27th in NE Mpls

When: Saturday, February 27,[masked]:30 PM

Thorp Building
1618 Central Ave
Minneapolis, MN 55418

Ok, you might have realized that I am all in favor of all types of staying active.

Well, here is a new fun way to stay active so it is a great opportunity to check it out.

An Open House!

Come learn about ~Pole Dance for Fitness~

Sat Feb 27th 2:30-5:30

Thorp Building (Big White Building w/ Diamonds Coffee Shop in front)
1618 Central Ave NE Minneapolis, MN 55413

Held in NE Kettlebells Studio Come see for yourself and maybe even try a spin to experience fitness from a different angle!

Snacks and Beverages
Enter to win a free Pole Dance lesson!
Guys and Gals Welcome

Invert Studio's Website

Message directly from me-Tammy S "from talking with Dawn months ago, she is a sweet, genuine woman that made me feel like even I can attempt this. At the NE Business meeting 2 weeks ago discussed how it is quite enthusiastist about this new business joining our community and I look forward to checking it out and perhaps even I will burn off a few calories in this new sensual fashion."

Call Dawn Marie[masked] for questions or even privary parties.

This is from 2:30 - 5:30

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