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New Meetup: Sutra Masquerade Ball

From: Heather
Sent on: Sunday, October 17, 2010, 8:47 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Cleveland Nightlife Meetup Group!

What: Sutra Masquerade Ball

When: Saturday, October 23,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Foundation Room at House of Blues
2000 E 4th St
Cleveland, OH 44115

Cleveland has dozens of Halloween parties to choose from, but don't be fooled by lame imitations - Nightlife's got you hooked up for the best one of them all!! Held in the Foundation Room, a private party spot hidden inside the House of Blues, Sutra parties are the epitome of decadence. Expect to see gorgeous, Middle-Eastern themed decor, the finest drink selections and specials, and some of the most interesting and awesome people our city has to offer. The masquerade ball promises to be a truly unique experience, and a party you'll be talking about well into the new year.

Costumes and masks are highly encouraged at this gathering, and there will even be a prize for the sexiest costume from Optima Sun Lab. Check out the Facebook page for more info: Or if you don't have Facebook, visit the official Sutra website:

So, as always, come dressed to impress! Have fun with the costume theme. Halloween only comes once a year, so this is your opportunity to shine!! :)

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