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Free Night Photography Seminar in Sandy, Utah on June 20

From: Royce B.
Sent on: Thursday, June 15, 2017, 4:15 PM

Dear NightScape Photographers,

My friend and workshop alumni, Shayne Shaw, is giving a free seminar on June 20th. Here's an example of his night photography, and more information about his seminar:

Gaining New Inspiration Through Night Photography

Gain new inspiration in your photography by seeing things through a different light at night. Shooting almost any subject at night can add mystery, intrigue and a special beauty that shooting the same subject during the daylight can’t match. This workshop will focus on the artistic and technical aspects of all types of night photography including Milkyway Galaxy, moon, star trails. cityscapes and light painting portraiture. We will discuss how to use the available natural light along with light painting and low level lighting techniques. There will be insights and new inspiration for all levels of photographers from beginners to advanced.

Admission: FREE!!

Location: Sandy City Hall, 10000 Centennial Parkway, Room 341, Sandy, Utah
Time: Tuesday June 20th 6:30 to about 8:30
**Email Shayne Shaw at [address removed] for a spot in the clinic.**

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