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NL Startup Week by Google

From: Robbert van G.
Sent on: donderdag 8 oktober 2015 15:43

Hi Entrepreneurs,

Google is organizing NL Startup Week from October 26th until October 30th.

Google NL Startup Week (also know as Google Launchpad) is a hyper-accelerator program which helps early stage companies with an MVP or rough product to go from unsure first steps to a confident run in just 5 days.

Each day of the hyper-accelerator is focused on a particular topic, water falling the affects of collected data and validation throughout the week, steering entrepreneurs towards consistently successful approaches to business.

The topics are as follows (October 26th-30th):

Monday - Product Day

Tuesday - UX Day

Wednesday - Tech Day

Thursday - Marketing Day

Friday - Iteration day

Startup participants must be fully committed, early stage MVP (pre-seed or small seed) companies, with a passion and dedicated interest to evolving their approach and process in accelerating their company.

And they want you!

Startup participants are not required to pay any money, give any equity, or otherwise sacrifice anything apart from 5 full days of committed time!

Requirements include:

- Committed founding team (min. 2 members)

- Full attendance of all company decision makers for entirety of 5 days

- MVP or rough draft of product

- Pre-seed or recent seed

- Desire to learn and a willingness to take fast action

Applications are open until the 16th, so apply now!

Google NL Startup Week Application:

Best regards,

Bob & Robbert

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