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New Meetup: Cake at the Paradiso

From: Brad
Sent on: zaterdag 25 december 2010 13:42
Announcing a new Meetup for Amsterdam Live Music Meetup!

What: Cake at the Paradiso

When: Sunday, March 20,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Paradiso
Weteringschans 6
Amsterdam 1017
020 -[masked]


I've already got my tickets to this one and thought I'd share with the group. Cake doesn't tour much at all and I was really surprised to see them heading over here to Europe. They've been around for awhile but I saw them a couple years back and they still put on a fun show.

We can figure out where to meet pre-gig closer to the show. Tickets are onsale now and you can get them through Ticketmaster / the Paradiso.

Hope to see you there!

Cake's site
Paradiso site

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