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Message boards will no longer be available after July 18, 2024.

We recommend saving any important information beforehand. Going forward, you can stay connected with your groups using the Discussions feature (we'll be rolling out some exciting updates soon)!

Learn more about the upcoming changes in this article;

around the bloq

From: PikaPay
Sent on: maandag 23 januari 2017 08:33

NEW! Featuring Jeff Garzik

Bitcoin Wednesday
Monthly Conference on Digital Currency

Limited tickets available:

1 February - Bloq Featuring Jeff Garzik - RSVP­ as soon as possible.

Find out how to get tickets here.

NEW! Jeff Garzik on Blockchain Solutions for the Enterprise

One of the best-known developers in the industry, Jeff Garzik, will join us for Bitcoin Wednesday #44 on the first of February.  Jeff has been a contributor to open-source software for the Bitcoin blockchain since 2010.  He is the CEO of Bloq, board member of Coin Center and an advisory board member of BitPay, BitFury,, Netki and WayPaver Labs.  Before Bitcoin Jeff contributed to Linux software, and worked for both RedHat and

Read more about Jeff at

NEW! An Old-School Bitcoin Wednesday

Still celebrating Bitcoin's remarkable bull run of 2016?
We are too.  We're giving away free tickets to anyone who asks for them (of course only while supplies last.)  Just RSVP here as soon as you can.

Otherwise, please follow the instructions to get tickets.  Your support goes 100% back into helping us produce more events like these.

How To Get Tickets

Just send a blank mail to tickets AT bitcoinwednesday DOT com and follow the instructions we send you.


P.S. Limited spaces available for the next Bitcoin Wednesday conference featuring Jeff Garzik of Bloq on 1 February 2017. RSVP now if you want to attend.

For more information, please mail:

Richard Kohl, Bitcoin Wednesday

Bitcoin Wednesday | The Dutch Bitcoin User's Group of The Netherlands | Singel 250, Postbus 11103, 1001 GC Amsterdam | stichting Bitcoin Nederland

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