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the eye of the coin storm

From: PikaPay
Sent on: zondag 26 februari 2017 14:05

NEW! Featuring Blockchain Interoperability

Bitcoin Wednesday
Monthly Conference on Digital Currency

Limited tickets available:
1 March - Blockchain Interoperability - RSVP­ as soon as possible.


Pre-Conference Dinner and Reception: 1700 - 1900
Conference: Walk-in from 1800 on.
Program: 1900 - 2300

How To Get Tickets

Just send a blank mail to tickets AT bitcoinwednesday DOT com and follow the instructions we send you.

NEW! Coinstorm Campaign for Internet of Coins

Joachim de Koining, co-founder of Internet of Coins, will present the fundraising campaign for Internet of Coins, which has been supported by Dutch Internet pioneers SIDN and  The Internet of Coins is a decentralized platform designed to link all of the world's digital value systems.

Read more about Joachim and Internet of Coins at

Old-School Bitcoin Wednesdays Continue

Bitcoin's amazing bull run of 2016 is still going strong in January and February of 2017.

To mark this remarkable development we're giving away free tickets to anyone who asks for them (of course only while supplies last.)  Just RSVP as soon as you can.

If instead you opt for a ticket in advance or at the door, thank you.  Your support goes 100% back into helping us produce more events like these.

Benefit Dinner

Benefit dinner with cash bar (Bitcoin accepted) with a choice between:

* Pepperoni pizza - Turkish bread sealed with homemade tomato sauce, topped with buffalo mozarella, pepperoni sausage, onions, tomatoes, aged cheese and oregano.

* Mozarella pizza - Turkish bread sealed with homemade tomato sauce, topped with buffalo mozarella, homemade pesto, basil leaves, tomatoes and oregano.

* Hamburger - Homemade smoked paprika burger served on a bun with cheddar, jalapeños, tomato, pickels and ginger aïoli.

* Couscous salad - Couscous, pomegranate, goat cheese, mint, raisins, cucumber, parsley and a refreshing mint yogurt sauce.

Limited places for dinner.  For details please send a mail to dinner AT BitcoinWednesday DOT com and include your meal preference.

P.S. If you already have an advance ticket, you can upgrade to include dinner for just 5!

P.P.S. Very limited spaces available. RSVP now if you want to attend.

For more information, please mail:
Richard Kohl, Bitcoin Wednesday
Bitcoin Wednesday | The Dutch Bitcoin User's Group of The Netherlands | Singel 250, Postbus 11103, 1001 GC Amsterdam | stichting Bitcoin Nederland

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