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secrets of blockchain interoperability

From: PikaPay
Sent on: dinsdag 28 februari 2017 07:20

New Speakers Announced

Bitcoin Wednesday
Monthly Conference on Digital Currency

>>  Tomorrow <<

Limited tickets available:
1 March - Conference on Blockchain Interoperability
RSVP­ as soon as possible.

New Speakers

Dominik Zynis will give a demo on how to set up a project for crowdfunding on the WINGS DAO platform.


Topping off a diverse line up of experts on blockchain interoperability, Evan Schwartz, co-inventor of the Interledger Protocol (ILP) and managing director of Ripple’s European Research and Development division, will be joined by colleagues Ben Sharafian and Michiel de Jong.  Both of them have interesting backgrounds.


Location: A-Lab, right next to Eyefilm.

Take the free 3-minute ferry behind Amsterdam Central Station to Buiksloterweg.


Reception and Dinner: 1700 - 1900

Networking from 1800 on.

Conference Program: 1900 - 2300


Dinner Selections

There are a limited number of places available for dinner at A-Lab.

Benefit dinner with cash bar (Bitcoin accepted) with a choice between:

* Pepperoni pizza - Turkish bread sealed with homemade tomato sauce, topped with buffalo mozarella, pepperoni sausage, onions, tomatoes, aged cheese and oregano.

* Mozarella pizza - Turkish bread sealed with homemade tomato sauce, topped with buffalo mozarella, homemade pesto, basil leaves, tomatoes and oregano.

* Hamburger - Homemade smoked paprika burger served on a bun with cheddar, jalapeños, tomato, pickels and ginger aïoli.

* Couscous salad - Couscous, pomegranate, goat cheese, mint, raisins, cucumber, parsley and a refreshing mint yogurt sauce.

For details please send a mail to dinner AT BitcoinWednesday DOT com and include your meal preference.



Send a blank mail to tickets AT bitcoinwednesday DOT com and follow the instructions we send you.

P.S. Very limited spaces available. RSVP now if you want to attend.

For more information, please mail:
Richard Kohl, Bitcoin Wednesday

Bitcoin Wednesday | The Dutch Bitcoin User's Group of The Netherlands | Singel 250, Postbus 11103, 1001 GC Amsterdam | stichting Bitcoin Nederland

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