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demo of a dao

From: PikaPay
Sent on: woensdag 1 maart 2017 10:51

NEW! Tonight

Bitcoin Wednesday
Monthly Conference on Digital Currency

>>  Tonight! <<

Limited tickets available: Tonight, 1 March

- Conference on Blockchain Interoperability - RSVP­­ as soon as possible.


Demo of a DAO

Dominik Zynis will give a demo on how to set up a project for crowdfunding on the WINGS DAO platform.


Mainstream media are starting to notice the correlation between Bitcoin price and the S&P500.

If the economy makes a strong economy and the correlation holds, there will be a lot of talk about the new digital divide between those who use Bitcoin and those who indon't.

Come celebrate new highs.

Those of you who last attended Bitcoin Wednesday at the start of last summer, your Bitcoin buys more than twice as much beer as it did then.

If Bitcoin is here to stay, blockchain interoperability will be an even hotter topic than it is now.  Tonight we'll have several experts on interoperability talking about their work.

With apologies from the caterer, the pre-conference dinner has been cancelled.  We'll make up for it at a future event.

Location: A-Lab, right next to Eyefilm.

Take the free 3-minute ferry behind Amsterdam Central Station to Buiksloterweg.


Walk in, Reception and Networking from 1800 on.
Conference Program: 1900 - 2300


Send a blank mail to tickets AT bitcoinwednesday DOT com and follow the instructions we send you.


P.S. Very limited spaces available. RSVP now if you want to attend.

P.P.S. See you tonight.  Remember, if your name is on the guest list, please come early.

For more information, please mail:

Richard Kohl, Bitcoin Wednesday

Bitcoin Wednesday | The Dutch Bitcoin User's Group of The Netherlands | Singel 250, Postbus 11103, 1001 GC Amsterdam | stichting Bitcoin Nederland

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