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The July Meetup and upcoming programs

From: Ben
Sent on: maandag 12 juli 2010 15:11
Hi Guild members,
Those of you on holiday will be missing out on the Meetup this weekend, and unfortunately will miss some great games and a few new additions to our Meetup format. Regardless, we wanted to give you a quick update to let you know what's going to be going on in the next few weeks, and to give you the chance to participate in the programs we have ahead
The Guild Logo contest. We need a new logo, and we know you have the skills to create one. This is an opportunity to flex your imagination muscles and win a 40+ euro prize pack. But hurry, as the deadline is August 1st! See the guidelines and rules here:
The Meetup GM Challenge Kit. Thanks at least in part to our AmsterDM training sessions, we have had a number of Guild members GM for the first time at our Meetups. We would like to keep up this trend, it's not hard to be a good GM, all it takes is a little confidence and the right gear. The right gear? Yep, we'll provide that with our Meetup GM Challenge Kit, to be handed out to one Guild member a month, provided they agree to run the included game at the following Meetup they attend. Anyone who has never run a game at a Meetup before is welcome to give this a shot.
So what's in the kit? Everything you would need to sit down and run the game: Ready-to-run rules and a scenario, dice (appropriate to the game), a battlemat, whiteboard markers, combat tokens, and sundry other items like a notepad, pencil and eraser. We're even trying to figure out how to cram a GM screen and some snacks in there!
The first of these kits contain popular games in Fantasy and Modern Horror, and we are preparing more kits all the time in other popular systems. Are you interested in taking up the Meetup GM Challenge and want to see what we have to offer? Check out this thread on the message boards so see our guidelines, and leave a message to let us know what you want to run.
Are you ready to accept this Challenge?
That's it for now. We hope to see you this Sunday
The Guildmasters

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