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WordPress Developers Meeting

From: Glenn B.
Sent on: zondag 1 maart 2015 08:05

This is a reminder about our WordPress meetup this week. Please update your RSVP if your plans have changed so we'll know how much pizza to buy.


Wednesday, 04 Mar[masked]:30 PM

In March we'll be back in Camarillo, and we will be having a WordPress developer meetup.

Intended Audience:

WordPress Coder: Folks who program Themes, Plugins or the Core of WordPress in PHP.

View On Meetup.Com


An Easier Way To Create A Custom Post Type To Use In Your Own Plugin

There are several ways to create a custom post type. Sometimes  you need to create a custom post type that can use in a plugin.  This has been a little more difficult. I'll show you a new way that make the process much easier.

Custom Metaboxes and Fields for WordPress

There are lots of times when you need extra data along with your post. I'll be showing you a class the helps you create this type of data.

What Are Custom Meta Boxes?

A custom meta (or write) box is incredibly simple in theory. It allows you to add a custom piece of data to a post or page in WordPress


6:30-7:00: Pizza and chit chat

7:00-7:45: Custom Post Type To Use In Your Own Plugin Plus Custom Metaboxes and Fields for WordPress

8:00-8:45: Populating Gravity Froms Data From Outside of WordPress and Passing Data From Gravity Forms to an Outside Program

8:45-open: Pizza and chit chat

Hope to see you there
