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PARIS Long Weekend Tour on 11 Sept!

From: Cherry H.
Sent on: zaterdag 5 september 2015 12:08

A Trip to Impress!

Dear Friends of Culti Group,

LAST CHANCE to join a group of fun and fabulous young professionals for 3 days Paris Long Weekend Tour! We will travel with a luxurious tour coach bring us to Paris and travelling within the city together, this way we can save transport cost, also for a more safe and relaxing trip!

Date: 11-13 Sept (Friday to Sunday)

Price: €240 p.p. Including luxurious tour coach with professional driver, 2 nights 3-star hotel (shared room) with buffet breakfast, and Cherry as your Personal tour Leader PLUS lots of FUN ;)

For detailed itinerary:[masked]

Look forward to sharing precious moments with you in Paris!





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