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What we’re about

This Meetup is for professionals who would like to increase their work-related levels of insight, gratitude and well-being - through sessions that make self-reflection into a group activity.

To thrive in the workplace is not only about what happens to us but about how we respond to what happens. There is a space between stimulus and response. Reflection helps us extend that space.

Our members include people who work in work in healthcare, universities, coaching, marketing and broad leadership roles. The Meetup is organised by Richard Dyter, the founder of a social enterprise that makes it easier for people to reflect, think and write.

We have three big ideas. Firstly, we seek to bring a collective dimension to individual reflection. No-one else can do your reflection for you - but it helps to do your reflection alongside others, using common prompts and structures.

Secondly, we use the space around us to help us lay out thoughts and gain clarity. This spatial approach fits with the genius ideas of the late David Grove, inventor of Emergent Knowledge and Clean Language.

Our third big idea is to finish with output that you could potentially share with colleagues or via social media. This gives extra value to our time together. By attending regularly, you can build up a personal stock of intellectual assets. Here's an example.

Please take a look at recent events and see if this Meetup is for you. If we seem a match then please join one of our online events!