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Re: [nonprofit-136] Last chance RSVP

From: Rich M.
Sent on: Tuesday, October 16, 2007, 7:24 PM
Rich or Richard Mertz

On Oct 16, 2007, at 2:48 PM, Jari wrote:

Hi Everyone,
Hope you are all thinking of an interesting topic to add to the topic drawing hat on Thursday. Bring your thoughts, ideas and questions and we will see what we can stir up! We have a great core group and hope we'll expand our networks even more this time around.

I'm emailing one last time before our meeting on Thursday to let you know that I will need your first and last name for the security desk (or they won't let you in). If you haven't sent me a personal email with this information yet, please do so now. I promised to send the list to Third Sector by tomorrow, late morning. The RSVP's that come in only give me your user name, so if yours doesn't include first and last, please send.

[address removed]

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