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Nooga Code and Coffee

Photo of Rachel
Hosted By
Rachel and 2 others
Nooga Code and Coffee


How to find us
You can park in all lots around the building or across the street on Manufactures Road in the paid lot. The front door is across from Chipotle at the red light.


Huge thanks to ChaTech for sponsoring our chapter with the venue, signs, and more!
ChaTech invites individuals and organizations to join them in supporting their ongoing efforts by donating to help fund programs, events, scholarships, and other organization expenses. Donations ensure the sustainability of ChaTech's mission.

Thank you to local SaaS company Ntracts, Inc. for supporting the local tech community endeavors by funding meetup expenses! Ntracts is healthcare's trusted partner for comprehensive contract lifecycle management.

Ntractsโ€™ Workflow Automation ensures your consistency and accuracy. With built-in checking for contracts outside of your compliance standards, Ntracts makes sure all the Tโ€™s are crossed and Iโ€™s are dotted before a contract can get to signature.

Ntracts can drastically reduce the time it takes to move a contract through the organization by prompting each participant of the workflow to do their respective tasks. Add in document automation and Ntracts can save significant time and money.

Request Ntracts Demo here:

Who is this meetup group for?
๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿคโ€๐Ÿง‘๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿคโ€๐Ÿง‘ Weโ€™re a Community. Our attendees feel like theyโ€™re a part of the group. This group is not
run by a company -- it is run by a group of individual community members.
๐Ÿ“ˆ๐Ÿ” Of Software Developers, new and old. Or for people who work with them or want to
become one.
๐Ÿฃ๐Ÿ“ At Any Level. Whether youโ€™re aspiring, newer, or more experienced.
What do we do at these events?
๐Ÿ’ฌ Discussion. Many attendees come with questions, ideas, or strategies to discuss.
๐Ÿ•ธ Networking. Many people come to meet people; that's enough reason on its own.
๐Ÿซฒ๐Ÿป Support. Many of our attendees in the past have also found mentors, mentees, and peer
support. We encourage it!
Many people come with questions, ideas, or strategies to discuss โ€” and many others just come
to meet people! Many of our attendees in the past have also found mentors, mentees, and
peer-support friends โ€” and we encourage attendees to form relationships like these.
Near the beginning of the event, we do form a circle. Organizers and venues will first do announcements, group updates, and logistics.
Then, going around in a circle - you will state:

  1. Your Name
  2. What you can help others with/what you are working on
  3. What you would like help with
  4. Job opportunities you're hiring for OR announce that you are looking for one. If none, that's cool.
  5. Something outside of tech attendees can talk to you about

COVID-19 safety measures

Event will be indoors
The event host is instituting the above safety measures for this event. Meetup is not responsible for ensuring, and will not independently verify, that these precautions are followed.
Photo of Nooga Code & Coffee group
Nooga Code & Coffee
See more events
100 Cherokee Blvd. suite 100
100 Cherokee Blvd. suite 100 ยท Chattanooga, TN
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