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What we’re about

This is a Discussion Group for adults on the spectrum. We have monthly virtual meetings where we talk about our lives. We often have announced topics, and occasionally, in lieu of a virtual meeting, we will gather for a meal at a local restaurant. We have regulars who live as far away as Richmond, but we are mostly people in the Tidewater area. This group started as an Asperger's group, and although that name has fallen out of favor, we still consider ourselves as high functioning.

We aim to give everyone who joins our virtual meetings a chance to share what is going on in his or her life. Here are some agreements that we use to make sure we are all safe and respected:

  1. What is discussed in the group will be kept within the group.
  2. People in the group will have different beliefs. We commit to being kind, respectful, and constructive in our comments to each other.
  3. This is not a prospective dating group.
  4. We do not offer professional advice or counseling.
  5. Remember to mute your microphone if you are not speaking.
  6. No soliciting - selling goods to members or asking for money. We discourage giving or borrowing money among members of the group.
  7. When we do gather at a restaurant, each attendee is expected to cover their own costs.