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British Isles Genealogy SIG

Photo of N H Genealogists
Hosted By
N H G.


Theme for June 2024 British Isles SIG: Our Ancestors’ Immigration Stories

Our ancestors braved Atlantic Ocean voyages to the shores of the British Colonies or the United States of America, depending on when they arrived here. They were all looking for a better life and opportunities they couldn’t get in their home country. What were the details of their emigration from their home country? What was the cause or reason for their decision to move to America, knowing that they might never see their families or home country again? Do you know the name of the ship they traveled on to get to our shores? Do you have any details of their immigration experience once they arrived in America?

Please write a paragraph summarizing what you know about your ancestors' (one family’s or a single person’s) decision to immigrate to the U.S., including details you’ve uncovered. Bring your paragraph on to the next British Isles zoom meeting. We will discuss our ancestors’ immigration tales at the 10 Jun 2024 meeting at 7:00 PM (EST Eastern time)

Find details about this SIG on our website.

The Special Interest Groups are a North Hills Genealogists Members-Only benefit - you can join NHG here:

To join us in our discussion on British Isles genealogy, please register for this zoom meeting HERE.

Photo of North Hills Genealogists group
North Hills Genealogists
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