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What we’re about

Welcome single parents! We are North Bay Single Parents (NBSP), the northern chapter of the Bay Area Single Parents (BASP) Meetup group. NBSP extends from San Francisco to as far north as Santa Rosa, while BASP covers the entire Bay Area, with most of its activities centered in the Peninsula and South Bay. Combined, we have exceeded 2,600 members and continue to grow. 

Please connect with NBSP members on Facebook:

We also strongly recommend you also join BASP. Please go to their site to register there:

This is a social support group where single parents can form a community of friends who have a similar lifestyle. This is NOT a dating site, though if members meet and find significant others, that's great. But please do not join our group and assume our events are for this purpose. We get together to have fun with friends, kids and adults, and to not feel alone in our endeavors. Whether you are at the start of separation, divorced, widowed, or have been a single parent from the start, everyone is welcome, especially your kids!

Former Partners in NBSP:
We follow the same bylaws of BASP, and recognize that there is often friction between former partners. NBSP strives to be a fun, safe and low-drama environment. Without taking sides nor passing judgment, it is our policy to not allow ex-partners of existing members to join the group. If you know that your former partner is a member of the group already, please do not request to join. Since we cannot know who may be someone’s previous partner at the time they join, a situation may arise where both are admitted to the group. Whenever we out about this situation, the partner who joined later will be asked to step out of the group.

We are passionately working to create an active single parent community in the North Bay. Our events include getting together for coffee, movie nights, discussions, happy hours, dinners, hikes, concerts, etc... whatever you can think of. There are a combination of adult-only events and those that are family-oriented with kids. Please think of the site as a community bulletin board. If you are headed to Stinson Beach for a day, why not make it an event and make new friends? Please don't be shy -- post an event, become an event organizer, and help generate momentum for this group to start thriving.

We look forward to meeting you!  If you are interested in organizing events for us, please contact one of the organizers and we can promote you to Event Organizer. This is a sharing community and we welcome all ideas and activities!